To create effective advertising today, more than ever, you need to listen to feedback. User orientation in fact it is a turn that several markets have already taken and are taking, even those not directly linked to digital. This because today there are more tools for carrying out precise, focused and specific market analyses. Just think about the ease of data collection and media which give the possibility, like never before, of a direct and immediate contact between companies and consumers.
Let's take a better look at user orientation. Then we will see how to collect feedback and some advice on how to use it.
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Why and how the market is user-oriented
The global market in various sectors has taken a direction oriented towards the needs and desires of users. This change leads to the birth of highly personalized products and services. Also thanks to the Social, where many companies have their pages.
Through Comments, specific polls, direct messages and video reviews of users, it is possible to collect and accept requests and criticisms.
This is happening in different sectors: insurance, catering, fashion and especially in the world of video games. For example, early access to games in progress creates significant opportunities for development teams to engage with audiences. Players become participants in the development. We provide solutions that allow a local video game to become the best Italian indie game of 2024 also thanks to the public.
Also there is the evergreen need to differentiate yourself from others. Both in the proposals and in the marketing campaigns. Taking inspiration from what users want then becomes a way to provide products and services that are really needed. Which are user-friendly. Who, moreover, will feel listened to, will be able to know and have a positive perception ofbrand identity.
He will talk about it with the people he knows, give positive reviews and thus help to define and strengthen the brand awareness of the brand.
So we have a dual vision of feedback: inspiration for creating products and services with the certainty that they will be appreciated and a channel for diffusion.
In all of this, however, let's not forget that We also need feedback to create effective advertising.
How to collect feedback to create effective advertising in 5 steps
Now that we have talked about the orientation of the market towards the user and the role of feedback as an inspiration for products and services and as a diffusion channel, let's focus on its role in create effective advertisements. Let's see how feedback is collected.
- Online surveys: through platforms such as Google Forms o SurveyMonkey you can create targeted surveys. You can ask for preferences on service methods and products, but above all opinions on advertising campaigns previous. You can ask how the advertisements were perceived, whether they were clear, what they refer to, whether they resemble others and suggestions for improving them.
- Direct interviews: telephone or face-to-face interviews with a selected sample of customers. These allow you to have a more direct contact, which presumably generates more gut-level, less structured responses. On the one hand perhaps more authentic, on the other perhaps more limited to the negative perception of telemarketing or the annoyance and anxiety of being interviewed. Without forgetting that it is more difficult to be sincere with someone in front of you, especially if you have to make a criticism.
- Focus group: sessions with small groups of representative clients. In a focus group, if organized and coordinated properly, debates can be encouraged. For example, you can show an advertisement and have people discuss the perception they have had. By selecting people of different social and generational backgrounds you can discover an infinite number of interesting details.
- Reviews: Inviting users to make reviews always works. Especially when you post an advertisement on social media, it is easy for reviews to be spontaneous and to occur through comments. Otherwise there are always written reviews. The important thing is to give the opportunity to review and clearly show this possibility.
- Post-purchase questionnaires: we don't stop at conversion! In fact, sending questionnaires after a purchase or registration can be extremely useful for understand how the conversion occurred. In fact, conversion can occur in multiple ways. Finding out whether users converted through organic traffic, word of mouth or through specific sponsorship opens your eyes to how to structure effective advertisements and where to direct the budget.
What to do with feedback to create effective advertising
Once you have collected the feedback you will have some information that you have to decide to catalog to take choices. You will have received information on perception of an advertisement and its effect. Then you can evaluate whether your ads have been effective and identify why. Naturally, the reasons will not always be so clear and unambiguous, but they are some indications to continue experimenting. If you know where and how to look, you can go straight in a direction that may be common to even different people. They just need to belong to a common media culture.
For example, if an advertisement was defined as "discounted", you can understand why it was defined as such. So you can go and see what the recurring elements are advertising narrative common. Thus paradigms, languages, symbols and situations can be used differently. This is always provided that you don't get too distorted, otherwise the user will get confused.
So you have to find one balance between what users want and what you can give them. In other words, you need to understand what users want from you (and from you). From here the concept of advertising goes quite a bit outside the persuasive perspective. Rather, it becomes a means of information that speaks the language of those who will listen.
If you decide to collect and welcome feedback the crucial question with which one begins to create an advertisement goes from being "how can I convince?" to “how can I make myself understood?”.