Update to understand. Understand to choose. 


Advertising in digital marketing studied in all ways. In this section you will see advertising strategies interface with psychology and the human brain. You will discover the most modern conceptions of persuasion and consumption, always with an ethical and critical perspective.

smartphone people talking the phone listens to us

Do phones really listen to us to serve us targeted ads?

This doubt has come to everyone at least once in their lives, especially when we see advertisements related to what we have just talked about with someone... but do phones really listen to us? Let's find out what is true, if it is practicable, how we could delude ourselves about it and what to really pay attention to if we care about our privacy.

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infographic article effective advertising the role of feedback

Effective advertisements: the role of feedback

The market has taken an increasingly user-oriented direction, even in various sectors not strictly linked to digital. People's feedback thus becomes even more than before an important parameter to take into consideration in creating effective advertising.

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infographic article advertising narrative

Advertising narrative: how to build it

Advertising storytelling, like all forms of storytelling, is a question of manner. The way of telling a story has elements within it that determine it. Furthermore, every narrative has structural elements that characterize it. Connotation, characterization, structure, example. In this article you will find out all this.

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infographic article conscious advertising campaign

How to create an aware advertising campaign

This article reminds you in 10 points how to create any advertising campaign in an informed manner. But we also add an extra piece, guiding you to address social issues. In fact, today this direction is the most popular and we demonstrate it with data and reports for further information.

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infographic article ethics in advertising

Ethics in advertising today

Persuasive and inductive marketing in the strict sense is largely outdated. Ethics in advertising today goes from a mere moral value to a key to communicating with effective transparency and gaining people's trust. Being ethical and authentic can pay off... but be careful when making promises!

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infographic article SEO targeted advertising

Targeted advertising: how to do it?

Structuring a targeted advertising campaign is the basis for marketing in an economical and intelligent way. Find out everything in this specialized article: from objectives to how to measure results, through to the tools you have at your disposal and the means of communication you can use.

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infographic article kilobit web agency Turin effective advertising

Measure whether an advertisement is effective

Measuring whether an advertisement is effective is a real challenge. Find out how to deal with it by reading our specialized article. You will know the tools you can use to put together the pieces of a holistic and exhaustive analysis. Learn the methods to understand how and how much to invest, what to see and above all how to see it.

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infographic article effective advertising strategies

Effective advertising strategies to inspire trust and loyalty

Effective advertising strategies focused on authenticity, personalization and storytelling can consolidate customer trust and loyalty. With examples such as Patagonia, Dove and Lush Cosmetics, discover how the concept of aesthetics linked to social media changes and how to measure the impact of your campaigns.

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