
Position yourself on Google in 3 steps

In this article we give you an idea of ​​the procedures used to position sites and content on Google in clear, practical and concrete language.
October 14, 2022

You asked the search engine "how to rank on google" or something similar. Sifting through the results, you'll have found terms like SEO, SEA, SEM, SERP… but maybe you just have a vague idea of ​​what they mean.

Maybe you don't even have the desire and time to delve into it, because you've had a shop or business for 20-30 years, you have to manage invoices, suppliers, deliveries, customers and employees. In short, you have to do. You are a practical person. You just want to know how to appear among the first results of a search that could increase your client base.

Otherwise, what was the point of creating the site?

we at Kilobit from direct experience we know that many people have had to adapt to technological progress with doubts and difficulties.

search bar with question how to rank on google

Position yourself on Google with clarity

You have suddenly migrated to the web and would like to position yourself on Google with the methods you have always used, leveraging the same skills and values ​​that have allowed you to establish yourself: concreteness, certainty, practicality, clarity, intuition.

But then you enter a web agency and you hear unknown terms that create confusion, distrust and detachment. Maybe you feel like hot air is being served up to you, when in reality everything is clearer than it seems.

It's just a matter of language.

handshake between human and android

Today we want to break down these barriers by trying to clarify how to position yourself on Google in a simple way. We will try to do it in such a way that you will not have big doubts but only the desire to investigate further.

For the moment, let's avoid technical terms, English terms and acronyms.

Then, when you feel like it and want to understand even more, you can switch to this article more specific.

The first step is to understand what people are looking for

When you want to position yourself on Google you are trying to intercept people's searches. To do it you need to understand what people are looking for and what they type when they search on Google. This can be understood by going to find the keyword, which are nothing more than the terms that people type into the search engine.

This is where a analysis work.

How do you do keyword analysis to rank on Google?

Through special web platforms you can find statistics about keyword. On platforms like Google Trends there are mainly graphs that show the search trend of a keyword over time. These can be consulted by country, region, and very short and very long time intervals can be set.

trends chart as an example to position yourself on google

On platforms like Ahrefs you can find information about:

  • Volume,
  • Difficulty,
  • Placement su Google of the sites competitors,
  • potential traffic.

Going to cross these parameters you can choose the keyword and start working to optimize the site and to create content that will be optimized in turn. Before seeing how to create and optimize content to position yourself on Google, let us clarify the parameters listed.

What does the volume indicate?

Il volume is a number indicating an average of how much the keyword is searched for each month.

What does the difficulty indicate?

La difficulties is a parameter indicating an estimate of how many hyperlinks leading to your site are needed to position on Google on the first page. This is an example of hyperlink. By clicking on the phrase you will go to the corresponding Wikipedia page. In this case we have referred to the sites of the platforms used for the analyzes and to the Wikipedia page to give you an example, but your aim is to make other sites refer to you.

How do you get cited by other sites?

One way is to look for sites that make reviews or contact like-minded companies that may be interested in mentioning you without competing, and vice versa. This is convenient to do by mail. In fact, we often exchange traffic on the site with each other.

There are sites that have more traffic than others: therefore more "powerful" sites than others.

In this case they entertain themselves hyperlink trading. In practice, the "less powerful" site pays the major site to be quoted. This almost always provided that there is no competition between the sites. Otherwise it makes little sense.

Position yourself on Google by looking at your competitors

See what other sites have ranked on keyword what interests you is very useful. Taking a look at how sites and their contents are made, as well as being a fundamental commercial strategic action, gives excellent technical insights.

What does potential traffic indicate?

It's basically an estimate of the organic traffic which receives the page in first position on the keyword.

Difference between paid traffic and organic traffic

Il paid traffic that's what you get for paying adverts on Google and on social networks: it's like buying a space for a billboard. If you notice, when you search on Google, the very first results that appear (those with the word "ad") are those who have paid for the advertisement. It is done for limited periods of time when you want to give yourself a push.

Il organic traffic instead it is slower but is generally more stable and long-lasting. It is achieved by optimizing your site based on the keyword that has been identified and chosen.

But what does it mean to optimize the site and the contents? How you do it?

The second step is to optimize the site and content

Now that you've found the keyword it's time to get practical. It doesn't matter whether you have a showcase site or a portal with multiple pages: what remains is that there are texts, images, graphics, maybe videos, and that the site has a "code".

What is written in the navigator where you type “www.” it is also determined by the domain (site name) you have chosen.

What is generally done is to act on the single pages of the site making sure that the keyword is also present in the navigation bar. To do this, tools such as WordPress (which we used to write this article).

In this image you will see the example of how we have optimized this article for the keyword "position yourself on google" by filling in the fields that correspond to what appears in the navigation bar and in 'preview on the result page on Google.

example on wordpress keyword position on google

The same thing is done not only with articles like this but also with the pages of your site.

Characteristics of a site optimized for positioning on Google

In addition to containing the keyword in written content must be:

  • usable,
  • rapid,
  • intuitive.

In fact, the parameters according to which Google chooses the sites and articles that appear on the front page have been refined over the last ten years specifically to reward quality.

therefore theoptimization should not be thought of only in a mechanical key, but it must target the user experience.

Position yourself on Google by writing articles on your blog

A very popular and useful choice for positioning on Google with a certain keyword is also writing articles that contain it. Have you noticed the keyword in Bold written in the period before this? Here is the example.

This is why many sites have a blog.

Even the function of the blog is not only technical: it must not be a repository of keywords without substance. Also here giving really useful information and answering the questions of the seeker is fundamental and rewarded by Google.

All this must be done by dividing the article with titles and subtitles so that it is usable, using clear language, short periods, example images. It is essential to immediately clarify what it will be about, how, and respect what has been promised.

The third step is to network hyperlinks

By networking we mean the buying and selling we were talking about earlier.

Having a network of external sites that refer to you "powers" your site, because it gives you traffic and credibility. Be careful though to only contract with reputable sites. This is very important. Allowing untrusted sites to quote you will have the opposite effect.

Networking is also done internally on your site, thus creating links that bounce from one of your content to another.

Then… repeat with other keywords

The same process can be repeated with other related keywords. An example is to deepen a topic treated more generally with specific articles. Or, from time to time, focus on a keyword that is related to a product or service you want to sell.

The modus operandi will always be to intercept user searches.

Then answer questions.

Did we answer your question?

It is essential for us to know if we have succeeded, so that we can always improve our relationship with you.

Contact us or visit our blog to browse other topics, so that our communication is always clearer and that you always know what to ask us and how to ask us.

We at Kilobit are your trusted web agency in Turin because we are always available to accompany you on the web today and to prepare you to take off in the near future.

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we at Kilobit we are a network of professionals with experience in programming, in digital marketing, in the creation of multimedia products and in the drafting of content in key SEO.

We provide our decades of experience in various sectors for a personalized service a Inline. We have the tools to make your business land and take off on the website.

Tel. 0110268815
Via Luigi Cibrario, 40 10144 TURIN

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