La landing page it is a potentially very useful tool for those who sell products or services online.
Digital marketing is constantly evolving, so thinking outside the definitions can allow you not to be obsolete, to find the right keys to differentiate yourself and effectively reach your audience. The result is always that of expressing oneself clearly and being chosen instead of the others… which, it must be said, are always more. For this reason, original moves often reward and can even anticipate trends.
But who said that to get out of the box you necessarily have to invent something new from scratch?
Nothing comes from nothing. Starting from what is already known and reinventing it can be the right basis for accompanying your audience along new paths. Communicating, however, with a language and with forms already known, so that he feels safe and never confused.
we at Kilobit we deal with landing page every day and we often look for innovative solutions given by the precise needs of the customer and his target. So we can assure you that at the end of this article, whatever your level of experience, you will have a lot of clarity.
Content index
What is a landing page?
Let's start right from scratch. There landing page, as the name suggests, is a landing web page. It is a single page with clear and essential communication, the purpose of which is to offer products or services and to invite people to buy them.
So when we create a landing page we must be very clear what we sell and to whom we wish to sell it. Above all, we must remember that we want to actively involve someone who does not know us in our proposal.
In fact they are simple concepts, but to be able to put them into practice there are actions to be taken that should not be underestimated. In fact, especially when you are very fond of your idea, the risk of doing an approximate job is always around the corner.
How can you avoid it?
Build your communication and make it consistent
That doesn't mean you have to say the same things over and over again or that you can never reverse yourself. However, you must start from a solid and coherent communication base. You can build this in many ways, which depend on the nature of your brand, what you propose and who you want to reach.
The prerequisite to be respected is to have an open mind with respect to what you will discover by studying the market and the target. Ideas born in a moment of inspiration almost never keep the shape originally thought when they are realized. This is because one has to deal with the outside world and with one's own competition. So be careful never to become fossilized, because you risk wasting time, energy, money and disappointing your expectations.
The right formula, the compromise between the original thought and the realization, can be found by properly mixing three fundamental tools:
the words you will use in yours landing page and their tone reflects both you and your audience.
For example, if you are selling a specific service aimed at institutional entities, you will usually need to be quite formal (especially if the management is used to associating reliability with such language) and you can afford to use industry terms assuming that you will be understood .
If, on the other hand, you are selling a can saver that maintains the effervescence of a carbonated drink, using overly formal language is not the right choice (even if you may think you are being polite), just as it is quite useless to talk about the technical process with which you made the product.
Graphic and audiovisual elements
If you want to sell a product you shouldn't just explain it.
An attentive person can also read and understand perfectly, but if you leave everything to their imagination, unfortunately you greatly reduce your chances of selling. Representing the object and showing its uses through graphics, illustrations, photos, videos and/or animations are all choices with a high communicative impact.
On the other hand, you must make sure that these are of quality and that they faithfully represent the product, otherwise you will get the opposite effect.
Graphic Design
Here we talk about organizing elements in a space so that the landing page is substantially usable and captivating. But not only.
When we talk about elements, we literally mean everything you see on the page.
Therefore it is necessary to study the right shapes and colors and their harmonic placement and distribution, so that each element is valued individually while contributing to the precise overall message. There is a real science behind this, which is the bread of the professionals of the sector. However, anyone should understand the concept that a space should be organized to give an idea of order, for example, or that a landing page shouldn't hurt the eyes of the beholder.
We don't want anyone who visits our page to have to solve a puzzle.
Once you have decided which tools to use and how, you will have built your communication. Now you'll have to make sure it's consistent with the other content you've spread around the web, so that you're recognizable and memorable.
Yes, because once you've developed yours landing page, you'll have to make sure it's found.
Index and sponsor yourself with strategy
As you already know, people look for what they want on search engines. Or they can get suggestions through ads when they browse social media. To have visits on yours landing page you need to intercept this traffic.
In the meantime, being indexed on search engines ensures that you are among the first sites that appear on a result page. To achieve this, you have to work hard SEO, which assumes a study of keywords and frequently asked questions related to searches that may interest you. The fruits of this study direct the creation of content.
If you want to play on large numbers in Italy, it is better to aim for indexing on Google. Indeed 9 out of 10 Italian users they use it for their research.
Alternatively (or in combination) one can also invest in one campaign ads. By paying for each click made by users, you can be among the very first results for a certain period. A similar mechanism can also be applied to social networks.
You know the ads that pop up between reels on Instagram, for example?
First of all, these sponsored ones are generally targeted at users. Perhaps through an impact video you can interest users, who by clicking on the advertisement will end up directly to yours landing page.
Here we emphasize the importance of creating content consistent with what they will find.
How to make a landing page effective
Now let's summarize what has been said so far.
No one can ever ensure the astounding success of one landing page. However, there are some tricks to make it effective:
- Synthesis
- Clarity
- Impact
- Simplicity
- Usability
- Coherence
Complying with these points means significantly increasing the chances that a user feels encouraged to take the further step to interest, i.e. the purchase. You don't need to go too far. Who comes on landing page in fact, he has already demonstrated a basic interest or at least a predisposition for your service and product, simply because he landed on it.
We need to add and show the little extra that makes this interest an action, which is different from starting from scratch. Basically "it's enough" to demonstrate that the interest in us has good reasons: so why not buy?
Make your landing page with Kilobit
The answers you have found depend on our experience and on the joint work of several professionals.
Why go it alone when you can have a network walk you through every step of creating one landing page efficient?
When in doubt, ask us for one free advice.