Why should a company be interested in social management? For what reasons should it inquire about the various platforms that exist and set up focused communication strategies?
Isn't social media just a way for people to get together, show their image, show us where they go on vacation or what they eat for dinner? The answer to this question is no.
Or rather: it is clear that many people use social networks for these purposes. But that doesn't mean they're the only ones, nor the most interesting or convenient. In fact, social networks have changed since their inception and cover functions that were previously exclusive to radio, television, newspapers, flyers, advertising signs.
And not only.
Content index
Social media is a new promotional channel
We just think about Instagram, which was simply a platform for uploading photos, and which is now a channel of dissemination of all types and also of promotion for businesses, shops and big brands. Furthermore, through data sharing and the possibility for users to set their own preferences, social networks are highly customizable. In other words, tailor-made content and advertising arrives.
Therefore, taking an interest in social management, which platforms exist, how they work, and taking care of their own communication on each one, is an opportunity for all companies to find new customers and shape their image in view of the present and the future.
But how is it actually done?
we at Kilobit today we provide you with a strategic guide to sort out your ideas, know what to evaluate and where to start.
1) Choose the right territory and start from the management of just one social network
You have a business and you know who you are and what you offer. Perfect: now is the time to look around you and figure out which area is right for you. To get a preliminary idea, just look at how each platform looks and what content it offers. There are Facebook (Now Meta), Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, Youtube, Pinterest…start taking a look at these.
Make a selection based on the most present businesses: there are suppliers and service agencies for shops and companies (B2B)? Or there are more companies that address individuals directly (B2C)?
Check out the content - there's more written content (copy), graphic or video material?
What is the most commonly used language? What is the average age range of users?
Based on these initial considerations start from the in-depth study and management of a single social network: this way you won't waste your time, your resources and you won't risk burning yourself right away.
2) Identify and know your target to start social management
Do you really know the people you're talking to?
This is one of the first questions to which you must have one precise response for effective communication and social management. Would you speak to a florist in Piacenza the same way you would speak to a twenty-year-old university student studying philosophy at the Sapienza University of Rome? In your opinion, do their visions of life and society coincide? Are their needs the same?
This is true both on social networks and in general.
If you know what you offer and have been doing it for some time, you are already one step ahead. It means that you have met different customers, you have evaluated their answers, their interest (or disinterest), you have listened to their needs and act accordingly. But what happens when you want to expand your customer base?
What if you want to throw something different? What if you had an idea from scratch?
In these cases your vision must aim at a target (target).
3) Make yourself easily recognizable
Now that you have chosen a social network and that you know who to contact you have to make yourself easily recognizable.
The basis is to choose a clear profile name, use your logo (or create it from scratch) and use it consistently. Choose quality images and don't confuse users identifying yourself differently each time. This comes before the language you will use and the content you decide to post.
In fact, the symbols speak very clearly: they are the ones who immediately make it clear who you are and who give an idea of what you offer and to whom, of the tone and nature of the contents they will find on your page.
This way users who don't know you will decide whether they are interested in you or not and if they are intrigued. Or customers who already know you will already know from their social profiles that now you are here too.
4) Content creation: the practical aspect of social management
You have chosen a social. You have an idea of yours target. You are clearly recognizable both for users who don't know you yet, and for those who already know you before. Now is the time to start communicating.
This is the most practical aspect of social management.
COPY: written content
Written content on some platforms is presented in short form, on others it can be extended. They are used on practically all social networks, especially on Twitter. In other social networks, the copy is often accompanied by images and infographics.
On some social media, the language has a more fun, playful, irreverent, informal tone. On others you can afford formal and technical communication. The choice lies in the users you want to approach, involve, inform or sell to.
Your social communication is calibrated according to the platform on which you have chosen to land.
If you want to know more about copycats, read our article on SEO writing.
Le images are contents widely present on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram e Pinterest. They have excellent communicative strength and suggest many messages that the brain processes much faster than it does with words. They can represent and tell your business immediately or they can be accompanied by captions or small portions of copy.
Le infographics they are informative contents developed visually: an example are the graphs, but the uses are increasingly multifaceted. Their appearance depends a lot on the creativity of those who design and draw them.
Videos are now the most popular content on all social networks. Starting with the good old Youtube up to the young TikTok, now are the contents that are the most popular. This is due to them immense communicative power, also given by the involvement of another sense: hearing. Videos can therefore serve not only to show and tell, but also to explain a topic.
Without forgetting the music, which speaks a universal language directed to emotions.
In fact, we shouldn't conceive social media for businesses as just another way to sell, but they can also be used to disseminate. It is full of such content that people scroll through daily from a huge database. Too scattered? Not exactly.
In fact on social networks like Instagram the videos that appear are calibrated according to user preferences.
Read our article if you want to learn more Photo and video.
Now that you know the types of content: how should they be distributed?
Through a editorial plan you can decide the cadenza, type and purpose of the contents.
- La cadenza you decide based on the amount of content you have and plan to produce.
- Il type of content based on the social network, what you communicate in the content and the target.
- Lo purpose based on a strategy disclosure / Entertainment / involvement / promotion.
In social management in fact you have to consider that users are not always and only a target to aim for in order to sell. Provide content by disclosure o Entertainment create a foundation that users will draw from for inquire about or spend your free time.
Engaging brings users closer: create interactions through surveys and questions does get some user responses. These, in addition to being useful for adjusting the shot, promote your visibility on social media. In fact interactions have more value than simple likes or subscriptions to a channel. And not only from a mathematical point of view.
Finally and at the same time you can promote products or services. On the one hand you know what users want, on the other hand you are giving value in return first. In this way, users will not be persuaded to become customers, but will simply be provided with a direct way to take advantage of products and services that they will gladly want.
5) Monitor, measure, capture, innovate and anticipate
Monitor user interactions through the tools provided by social platforms. Alike measure the data. Interpret them for grasp considerations that you will need for innovate yourself.
This way you can even anticipate and create new trends and creative ways to deliver content and communicate.
Finally, shop around.
It is full of other profiles similar to yours. They are not necessarily opponents to be eliminated, but an inexhaustible source of ideas for better social management. Or not to make the same mistakes!
Others will do the same with you. And in turn you can see if and how they did it to learn further.
Constantly looking around is the key to adaptation.
And adaptation is the key to optimal social management.
We at Kilobit can help you with social management
You can try doing all of these things together on your own. Maybe you could produce wonderful content and manage your social profile in an optimal way only thanks to our indications or insights made on your behalf.
In these cases we will take inspiration from you!
If, on the other hand, you don't want or can't manage at least one of these aspects, consider entrusting it to us.
Discover our services communication and social management, or ask us directly for a free quote based on your idea.