THEB2A eCommerce it is an online sales mode in which companies sell directly to governments, public institutions and their employees. In other words, the B2A represents electronic commerce between companies and public administrations. In fact it is the abbreviation of Business to Administration.
Thanks to the growing digitization of public administrations and public services in general, this business model is growing in our country. Of course, in Italy there is not exactly uniformity in this sense and some digital platforms are still a bit backward. But it is also true that the services that companies and agencies can offer are precisely those that could fill these gaps.
In this article we will deal with this and other application examples, first moving on to identifying the B2A players, then focusing on the advantages that derive both for companies and for the public bodies that turn to them.
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Who are the B2A ecommerce players?
Governmental and non-governmental public bodies such as ministries, law enforcement agencies, firefighters, hospitals, schools, municipal administrations and local authorities (municipalities, provinces ... ), international organizations (EU, UN and NATO) and non-profit organizations, universities and foundations various.
Companies operating in the market B2A eCommerce therefore in Italy there are many, but basically they are those that supply goods and services to public administrations for the functioning and management of their services and activities, for innovation, for optimizing processes or for training human resources. These companies can be both SMEs and multinationals.
What can companies offer to public administrations?
As we have just seen, the variety of companies and public administrations that can turn to them is truly vast. We have collected a large part of the application examples here. This list tries to touch as many areas as possible, from the simple supply of stationery products for offices, to solutions to improve energy efficiency:
- Consulting and training on laws, rules and regulations, the implementation of new technologies and the management of organizational change.
- IT services.
- Cleaning and maintenance.
- Transportation and logistics.
- Public health products and services.
- Waste and environmental management.
- Energy products and services such as solutions for energy efficiency, installation and maintenance of energy production and distribution systems and consultancy for reducing consumption.
- Public safety, such as both physical and digital surveillance services.
- Marketing and comunication.
- Agricultural products and services.
- Products and services for culture and tourism.
- Office supplies, such as stationery or computer equipment.
- Print.
- Translation and interpreting.
- Products and services for public finance, such as software and hardware to guarantee security but also to optimize calculation and processing processes.
- Solutions for urban mobility.
- Human resources management.
- Tools for collecting and processing statistical data.
How do companies and administrations come into contact to start a B2A ecommerce?
Contacts between companies and public administrations can take place through tenders. They can be the result of collaborations in other areas or perhaps take place on the initiative of the administrations themselves, thanks to the advertising of individual companies.
In Italy there are several platforms that can foster these contacts. The main ones are MEPA e CONSIP.
These represent tools to encourage the participation of companies in tenders and calls for tenders promoted by public administrations, simplifying the procedures for accessing business opportunities in the public sector.
B2A ecommerce advantages for companies and public bodies
One of the main advantages of theB2A eCommerce it is the simplification of administrative processes, which allows public administrations to reduce the times and costs of managing administrative activities. Furthermore, thanks to this business model, they can enjoy essential supplies and take advantage of innovation and training opportunities that they otherwise would not have.
Companies, on the other hand, can access a wide range of business opportunities, thanks to the possibility of selling directly to governments and public administrations as well as to their usual customers. In some cases, a company can also specialize only in working with public administrations, making this the heart of its offer.
Kilobit services
We at Kilobit can offer all the solutions related to the provision of services that can promote the digitization of public administrations. Furthermore, with our special communication service, we can also take care of broad-spectrum marketing.
Contact us to know more.