Position yourself on Google It's like cooking an elaborate dish.
And what do you need to cook? First of all you need to get a for successful corporate training, to know all the ingredients and the exact ones proportions; then you need a clean kitchen and adequately spacious, equipped with all the appliances, which must also be clean and well-functioning; then you need the instruments, which must be suitable for what you are doing and well made, otherwise every procedure becomes complicated, compromising the quality of the preparation; then you need to have taste; and finally three things are needed: experience, creativity and heart.
Three things that – unfortunately or fortunately – allow you to upset recipes sometimes with a worse outcome… but sometimes with a better result: have you got the message?
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What are EEATs and their importance for positioning on Google
If the culinary metaphor has made you hungry and distracted, we tell you explicitly: for appear at the top of the SERP you have to know where to start, you have to know what factors to work on, you have to have a website done well and knowing what to look for to see if you're doing well. The Google SEO it is changing and continues to do so, due to its dynamic algorithm… but in this whole series of synergistic and evolving factors there are some fixed points from which to start.
And these are the EEAT:
- Experience/Experience: refers to the level of direct experience that the author of a content has on the topic discussed.
- Expertise/Competence: It concerns the level of preparation and specific knowledge that an individual, a company or an organization possesses in a certain field.
- Authoritativeness/Authoritativeness: refers to the reputation and recognition that an individual or website has within its industry.
- Trustworthiness/Reliability: concerns the credibility and truthfulness of the information provided, with a focus on the transparency and timeliness of the sources.
These four are the basic criteria that Google uses to determine the positioning of sites and content.
How to improve the Experience?
The experience in this case then It does not refer to the UX (which remains fundamental) but right at thedirect experience of the person writing the content. This new factor is very interesting, because it allows greater narrative possibilities. So from now on we can relax a little more and tell anecdotes and direct experiences on the subject… the important thing though is do not overdo it.
I who am writing cannot tell you about my life in an article digital marketing.
However, I can tell the subject with a degree of detail and in ways that attest to my study and my personal elaboration that is based on various factors that have nothing to do with marketing, which can equally leak out without necessarily being emphasized. This is where it is the authenticity. An experience on screenplays for example can lead me to tell you that to improve the Experience factor you can show instead of tell: an evergreen concept of cinema, which in our field can be exercised through, for example, visual metaphors like the one I suggested to you at the beginning.
In other words, a metaphor is a simple way to help you understand through imagination and not just with pure rationality.
How to demonstrate Competence?
You either have it or you have to work for it. And even if you have it, you have to continue to develop it. Demonstrating competence without having it is cumbersome. So stick to what you really have, without forcing it. It is better to authentically demonstrate the little you know and the fruit of your research rather than show off: Anyone who understands a subject can distinguish between the meat and the feathers. Show your search results clearly and precisely. Give examples.
La competence It is demonstrated through the ability to making the complex simple, clear and direct.
Then you can also go deeper by providing additional value. So even the quantity of information offered can demonstrate competence… provided that it is a quantity that enriches without weighing down, that generates connections that allow a degree of tangible knowledge.
How to increase Authority to rank on Google?
The authority it is built over time through the reputation and the recognition in their industry. This factor is nothing new. Anyone who deals with tools like Ahrefs, Semrush and others, can see the authority of a site. Who works of SEO, even from the very beginning, knows very well that a job of link building is crucial for position yourself on Google by gaining authority. So get yourself quoted as often as possible in articles from serious and reliable newspapers.
Another way to build authority is also to connect your site to the social media, to make sure that social media leads to the site and vice versa. Action that in addition to bring traffic, continually attests that you exist, that you have something to say, that you are being listened to and that when people interact with you, you are there to respond.
How to build Reliability?
Have you noticed that these 4 factors are connected to each other in a complementary and synergistic way? Working on one also implies working on the others. And we must say that they are also intuitive interventions in relation to the experience and expectations of human fruition. And this seems almost paradoxical, considering that the most clicked search engine in our country - as well as the social algorithms – is based on models of artificial intelligence increasingly skilled in processing the natural language, with the contribution of neural networks increasingly complex and functional, mechanisms of deep learning and machine learning algorithm capable of reproducing a system of experiences similar to that of humans.
In this landscape where the prospect of an AI capable of processing and reproducing a human being, how do we remain reliable? How can we give the certainty that we are really the ones writing and that what we offer you is concrete and tangible?
Provide clear and complete information about you, about yours company, on yours products, on yours services and on policies regarding factors such as privacy, returns e shipments. Then, to position yourself on Google by demonstrating reliability, it is also necessary protect user data and ensure safe browsing thanks to HTTPS protocols. Let the reviews, both positive and negative, and make sure they are authentic!
It's tempting to have your friends leave you a review and everyone does it.. But if it turns out that the person has never been in your company and has never used one of your services or purchased one of your products, the double-edged sword of this comes out with various penalties.
Have you figured out how to rank on Google but don't know where to start?
In light of everything you have read, you can start slowly, taking one step at a time. But if you find yourself in difficulty or confusion, consider the idea of relying on us. Kilobit can offer you modular services, which we decide together based on your needs and objectives.
Contact us now to find out more.