Get exposure on TikTok it means reaching an exclusive audience. It means addressing an even more precise target than usual, because it is often found only on this platform and has its own language and imagery. Being able to develop, disseminate and highlight content dedicated to this particular social network is a challenge for those who are not used to the specific form of communication required.
It is no secret that for certain users and content distributors, TikTok it can be disorienting or even be read as too fast and therefore superficial. Actually get visibility on TikTok it requires a strategic and methodical approach. It requires a capacity for synthesis which makes communication immediate. Exercising this ability, especially for those who are not used to it, opens up current skills that can be used in any other communicative context.
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10 instant tips to increase visibility on TikTok
- Identify viral trends and challenges. Catch the wave and ride it by actively participating.
- Create authentic and engaging content, essential for attracting and maintaining the attention of viewers. To do this, be original but keep an eye on the hottest trends. In this way you will have an audience more willing to listen to you and get to know you from scratch.
- Use the creative features of TikTok, take care of the visual aspect, experience advanced effects, transitions and editing tools. These go to characterize your content, becoming an active part of your communication. In fact, since it is video content, it is essential not to rely exclusively on verbal language. Focus on picture language. Leave the message to this, not the words.
- Choose your music carefully. This is a fundamental element. Just as the visual aspect is important in videos, so is the sound aspect, perhaps even more so. In fact, music is even more universal and immediate than images. Remember this and also adapt it to current trends.
- Collaborate with other creators and brands. This helps you a lot increase visibility on TikTok in an organic way, and also to monetize without sponsoring.
- Engage with the community and listen to it. Reply to comments, interact with viewers, participate in discussions. This involvement generates greater interest and retention of users. Getting users to speak and listen to them also means allowing them to make requests. It allows you to understand the tastes. Listening provides ideas for both the language and the content itself. There are creators who structure their editorial plan simply based on user requests: easy, isn't it? The key is in listening.
- Use popular and relevant hashtags. Relevant and popular hashtags increase visibility on TikTok of your content.
- Post consistently.
- Post at the right times. You get the best times to publish by analyzing traffic data. More than for other social networks including Instagram e Facebook, time is important to increase visibility on TikTok. In fact, the amount and speed of the contents are high. Picking the right times gives you more chances to not let your content go unnoticed.
- Leverage stories. Use them to provide previews of your videos, to remember their release even later, or to share behind-the-scenes moments.
What to do with visibility?
The advice you have just read allows you to increase visibility on TikTok… but what can this visibility be used for?
Visibility alone is of little use. Visibility is more a tool than an end. This means that it must be maintained, it must be renewed and it must be used. It is true that visibility is also achieved through content, but to know how to use it, try to think of it as a plain white sign to fill.
we at kilobits, which we specialize in marketing communication, we apply the synergy between different social channels to sell products and services to the widest possible audience. Integrate a social like TikTok your marketing communication allows you not only to address another audience, but also to find ideas to increase your offer. Developing products and services tailored to a specific target, in fact, is a well-known and widely used technique even by multinationals with good results.
Trying to apply these techniques to the present opens up possibilities that would otherwise be precluded.