woman presses on screen digital art

Digital Art: Discover What You Can Do With Rek0de's Example

Living off your passion is difficult, but not impossible. From the opportunities of online work, let's move on to examine the digital art of Rek0de. With our gaze as professionals who also dedicate themselves to artistic activities, we analyze the elements of Rek0de's works to understand together how you can actually work with digital art... and not only!
25 September 2024

Are you into digital art and would like to make a living from your passion?

As you can see in our column about the work online, you can find different platforms where you can try your hand at all sorts of commissions. In fact, let's be clear, It is very difficult to earn money only with what we are passionate about. So often we have to get our hands dirty and find the right compromise by broadening our gaze to all the skills that revolve around our main ability. There are many things to do, even different ones. This is how a designer, for example, ends up dealing with UX and UI or an illustrator who would like to draw only comics ends up drawing logos.

At stake is financial independence, the benefits of freelance work, but above all, not wasting time and energy on jobs that bring nothing to our passion.

But it is not always necessary to make unacceptable compromises. The web, social media and various latest-generation digital tools give us unprecedented possibilities. At your fingertips with your mouse, keyboard and graphics tablet you have inspiration, production and distribution.

With digital art we can shape reality

Today we provide you, if you didn't already know it, a virtuous example of digital art. Rek0de is a 3D digital artist from the UK who lives by her passion. With a surreal and provocative style, he captures the essence of the times through works that overturn the paradigms of architecture, stimulating the collective imagination to project itself into another reality. A reality that represents the current mix between digital and real.

A look that offers us a perspective on the power we have to shape reality through digital. And it is not an exaggeration to say so because not only what can be touched is real. In fact, since forever, what is perceived is real. What can stimulate our imagination and trigger mechanisms in our brain that make us feel anything is real. If the emotions we feel are real, why shouldn't what aroused them be real too?

E This power to shape reality through digital art does not stop at its perception. But, as in this case, it can be transferred into everyday life. Or, more specifically, in the life of an artist who manages to earn money through his works.

Let's find out more about what Rek0de does to get inspired.

What does Rek0de do?

What distinguishes Rek0de in the artistic panorama is his ability to transform seemingly ordinary architectural elements into extraordinary works of art. Using 3D rendering and advanced digital technologies, he creates images in which huge swarms of balloons or surreal creatures intertwine with real buildings. His digital art often plays with familiar perspectives, making the result even more surprising and immersive.

rek0de he spread this works on Instagram, getting notoriety. And thanks to this he was able to do some collaborations.

For example, he worked on the visual promotion of the album glass animals, using his style to digital marketing campaigns innovative. Furthermore, he has launched himself into the world of NFT with his collection “Arkitextures".

grey balloons digital art real/unreal
Credits: Rek0de

How to Take Inspiration from Rek0de to Produce and Sell Digital Art

Before concluding we would like to tell you that even some of our network of professionals, in addition to work for our clients, they dedicate themselves to artistic activities. The person who wrote this article also dedicates himself to narrative, comic book and video game scripts. The graphic designer who created the covers of each article you find on our blog, hand-drew an entire video game called Nerobi.

In our case, we also have a passion for these works, so we don't want to live only on art. However, we have an idea of ​​how to work on them. Or, at least, we have a hybrid view that allows us to analyze the elements taken from the example of Rek0de and draw something from them.

Communicate with everyone while maintaining your uniqueness

Rek0de first of all offers a timely perspective of our times. This is extremely important to avoid falling into an excess of self-referentiality. Self-referencing is seductive, because it is sweet and reassuring. There is nothing wrong with doing it, but it is difficult to involve someone who does not know us. Finding a key of expression that is common to different observers is more complicated but It's what gives us access to people.

Rek0de overturns the places that millions of people already know and makes them rediscover them through his gaze. It is a smart and interesting approach, because seeing a place you know evokes memories and related emotions in a millisecond. This, dear reader, is a great hook: don't you think? Plus it is also a great compromise between personal expression and public communication.

You can't do everything alone

Without colleagues and collaborators you go nowhere. If you want to work with digital art you have to stick your head out of your little room, see what others are doing and collaborate with them.. Being a lone wolf doesn’t pay off and dulls our perspectives. You have to come out of your shell and not be afraid to make yourself known by opening yourself up to criticism and appreciation.… yes, because for some artistoids receiving appreciation from those who do not consider themselves “worthy” is reductive. Or sometimes they simply have blocks, fears and shyness.

Rek0de, on the other hand, as we have seen He posted on Instagram and used his fame to open up to several collaborations.

This was vital for him.

The importance of the theme

Finally, think about the theme that Rek0de addresses, which is expressed in two words on the cover of his website that you saw above.

Real/Unreal. Real/Unreal.

Is this or isn't this the dilemma that occupies, worries and excites (consciously or not) every person on the face of the earth who has approached digital or even before that television? The increasingly multifaceted information, disinformation, artificial intelligence, video games, films, TV series... are all elements that are extremely present in our lives and that often make us question the very concept of reality.. So Rek0de hit the mark because this is the era where real and unreal mix together to become the same thing.

Whether this is risky or not is another matter entirely… but we are not here to pass judgment.

In light of these analyses, what is your theme? How do you think you can speak to everyone while maintaining your uniqueness? Do you feel like making yourself known?

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