Update to understand. Understand to choose. 


All about marketing and branding elements applied to social networks. From communication to the study of the target, up to the understanding of the algorithms at the basis of visibility.

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How the Social Algorithm Will Change in 2025

Each social network's algorithm focuses on different focuses: YouTube rewards viewing times and structured content more, TikTok the technical quality of videos, the Meta and LinkedIn social networks favor comments more and on X the focus is on conversions.

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Between AI and social media, how safe is your personal data?

The security of personal data is a more current topic than ever. In this article, we focus on social media, exploring the benefits and risks associated with AI that fuels profiling algorithms. We analyze how personal data is collected, for what purposes, and discover how we can protect ourselves.

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Twitterature: growth or flattening?

Twitter, like all social networks, has lights and shadows: on the one hand it can flatten knowledge, on the other it can broaden it. Today we reflect together on this and more by talking about Twitterature, a project born in 2009 which consists of summarizing the classics of literature in 140 characters.

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How to get visibility on Youtube

Youtube is different from other social networks. Here, more than in others, it is very important to respect the complementarity between content value and SEO optimization. If one of these two elements is lacking, the work done on the other risks being useless if not counterproductive. Learn how to respect both and how to structure your videos.

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Visibility on TikTok: how to increase it immediately

Not used to communication on TikTok but want to address the catchment area present only on this social network? Follow these quick tips to open yourself up to learning more instantaneous communication than usual. Use visibility to sell but also to find out what to offer.

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How to increase visibility on Instagram and use it to the fullest

Visibility is important but it is only a tool to achieve other purposes. You may want to sell products or a service, seek funds and human resources to start a project, publicize your art, find jobs, establish collaborations, launch a social message or provide dissemination. Whatever your goal, starting with best practices increases your visibility on Instagram. Let's see how to favor it.

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