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Digital vouchers for SMEs: what they are and how to request them

Digital vouchers are financing that can help a small or medium-sized business take off technologically. Depending on the call, you can invest in a varied range of digital solutions. Get inspired by our article and discover the 10 calls that recur every year.
October 3, 2024

I digital vouchers for SMEs They are financial incentives aimed at supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in their digital transformation.

So let's talk about fwhere made available by public bodies or government institutions for favor the digitization corporate. Money therefore intended to cover part of the expenses of various technologies.

Do you have a small to medium business and want to invest in technologies such as a customized management software, advanced e-commerce or optimized website? Or do you want to invest in the blockchain, in cybersecurity or in solutions that concern artificial intelligence?

In addition to these, there are many others that can be partially covered by digital vouchers. Let's find out.

Technologies you can invest in

The digital technologies that SME digitalisation vouchers can finance cover a wide range of advanced solutions.

La advanced and collaborative robotics and man-machine interfaces enable companies to automate and improve the interaction between operators and machinery. The additive manufacturing , 3d printing facilitate on-demand production and customization. The rapid prototyping enables an acceleration of the development of new products.

THEInternet of Things (IoT) and the cloud computing improve real-time monitoring and management of business data, further enhanced by technologies such as big data e analytics. Cyber ​​security is ensured by tools cybersecurity e business continuity, while the 'artificial intelligence (AI) , blockchain they find application in a very wide variety of interventions.

Immersive technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) e virtual (VR), Together with cyber-physical systems, facilitate advanced simulations and virtual prototyping. The integration of ERP, MES, PLM, SCM, CRM systems ensures complete and cohesive business management. Tools for theE-commerce, mobile payment systems and solutions fintech are essential for digital commerce. Finally, the ultra-wideband connectivity, systems of RFID Tracking and technologies for the ecological transition support the operational efficiency and environmental sustainability of SMEs.

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How to get digital vouchers: the 10 calls that recur every year

Digital vouchers are obtained by participating in dedicated calls for tenders. Each of these has specific requirements, both in terms of corporate identity and in terms of the purposes for which the request is made. Here we list the 10 main calls for tenders that recur every year. Most of them can be consulted on the website of Unioncamere.

  1. Call for Vouchers for Digitalisation of SMEs (Unioncamere)
  2. Digital Transformation Call (Mise)
  3. Smart & Start Italia Call (Invitalia)
  4. ISI Inail Announcement
  5. New Sabatini Announcement
  6. Horizon Europe Call
  7. Digital Export Call (Simest)
  8. Brevetti+ Call (Invitalia)
  9. Call for proposals Digital Innovation Hub (Unioncamere)
  10. Call for proposals for Women's Enterprise Fund (Mise)

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