Let's face it all: Nuclear power, at first glance, might still scare someoneThey are too fresh scars of nuclear disasters that made history. Not to mention the effects on the imaginary collective, which are also of interest to those who have never been involved in any way.
How does this symbol affect you?
For some it is not reassuring and it may never be. But for others, today, in our country, it is… also for possible discounts on the bill. At least that's what it says an investigation by SWG commissioned and released by iWeek in this Press release.
Technically speaking, nuclear can actually be an alternative decisive with respect to the evident unsustainability of fossil fuels.
Powerful and clean (if managed well), this energy source can now be produced and stored in systems that are much safer and more efficient than in the past. The past always leaves its ghosts as a warning, while we still have to deal with the disposal of radioactive waste: a slow, complex and expensive process, which risks generating global damage for thousands of years.
As a remedy, it seems that for for now the focus is mainly on the efficiency of nuclear energy production, essentially to ensure that they are produced less waste to obtain the same or higher yield. This direction is demonstrated by the existence of new technologies that should work like this and that are already financed by several multinationals, including two enormous web giants.
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Google and Amazon Fund Nuclear: How and Why
Google has signed an agreement with Kairos Power for the development and construction of small modular nuclear reactors. Amazon instead has decided to invest in X-energy, another company specialized in the construction of these particular reactors, by purchasing four of them and signing agreements for their management. The reasons behind these moves are quite clear: reducing carbon emissions means ensure a stable and long-term energy supply for their data centers, while simultaneously supporting the energy transition. Which could lead to a greater influence of these multinational web companies on government choices and on the perception of the people.
But what advantages do these small modular nuclear reactors bring?
First They are designed to be factory-built and assembled on site, rather than built entirely on-site. This modular approach, precisely, reduces construction time and overall costs, improving the production capacity of the reactors. Factors also favored by the small size and lower capacity: a reduction in scale which also saves production and allows for greater flexibility. Therefore these reactors can be used in electricity production, water desalination and heating of districts or industrial plants. With regard to the waste reduction – a really crucial factor – at least on paper these reactors promise a significant reduction due to their efficiency. However, we are talking about a new technology.
To understand whether or not we will reach this result, and it can be avoided, it takes time, investigations and clear reports. It is necessary to quantify during the work whether there is actually a concrete overall reduction of toxic waste, based therefore not only on the reduction of waste relative to the single reactor, but on the foreseeable greater number of small modular reactors.
Finally, another question remains open: how will the choice of the web giants to finance nuclear energy influence the decisions of nations and the perception of people? We will see this over time.