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Where to find software and platforms to create, manage and optimize websites

In addition to your main activity, you may have parallel projects that you want to take care of independently or with the help of a small, trusted team. We also undertake them, beyond our work in web agencies, so we understand the need very well. We offer you an overview of where to find software and platforms that will accompany you in all phases of the work and that will help you do it better.
October 5, 2023

Know where to find the software and the platforms needed to create, manage and optimize Web sites it is just one of the different phases that require skills and joint work. The main resource, the most precious, that is used to carry out the necessary activities is time: on the one hand there is the time used for training and experience, on the other there is the operational work, on the other still what is necessary to coordinate with others.

For this reason there are the web agency including Kilobits. They can make your idea real by taking the time you need for you, plus giving you the guarantee of a directly precise and reliable result.

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However, we know well (because we live it too) that the web offers the possibility of realizing projects, very often parallel or additional to one's main activity. Therefore, if on the one hand you can turn to a web agency, then invest in creating your business website, on the other you could decide to use the time you save to independently dedicate yourself to one or more phases of another online project.

Here you will find a list of from software and platforms for working on the back and front end, graphics and design software, for creating and managing content, for optimizing SEO, hosting services, purchasing domains, and tools for coordinating a team, sharing information and work plans.

Each point refers to the official website, which is the main source where to find the software and download them immediately.

Code editors and integrated development environments (IDEs)

Code editors and IDEs make it easy to write, edit, and debug source code. They offer tools to help developers create software efficiently. We point out 3 that may be useful to you:

  • Visual Studio Code: Developed by Microsoft, it has specific and intuitive features such as syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, and built-in debugging. Its strong point are extensions that adapt to specific needs, such as ESLint for JavaScript or Python Linting.
  • Sublime Text: Fast and efficient, offers lots of keyboard shortcuts and extensible packages.
  • WebStorm/PHPStorm: directly from the JetBrains family, they are powerful IDEs designed for JavaScript and PHP: code refactoring, integration with version control systems and much more.

codes on screen where to find software

Where to find graphics and design software

This software is used to create, edit and optimize images, designs and mockups. They are essential for graphics, interface design and image processing:

  • Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator: used to work on images and vector design. They are the bread of graphs and web designer.
  • Figma & Sketch: Cloud-based and Mac tools used for UI and UX. They enable real-time collaboration.
  • GIMP: Free image processing software. A valid alternative to Photoshop, especially for those on a limited budget.

Tools for CMS (Content Management System)

If you want create a website simple on your own without having to try your hand at programming, these solutions are for you. CMS allow you to create and manage web content without having to write code. They are platforms that facilitate the publication and management of websites, blogs and portals.

  • WordPress: Open source CMS with a huge community. Over 30% of websites use WordPress… but don't get too carried away with plugins. Using too many risks slowing everything down.
  • Joomla & Drupal: a little more complex than WordPress, they are ideal for custom sites.
  • Ghost: simplicity and focus on content. This is best suited for blogs and publications.

Front-end framework

These frameworks help developers create responsive and dynamic interfaces for users. These are therefore fundamental tools to ensure the understanding and use of the site you wish to propose.

  • Bootstrap: allows simple and fast creation of responsive platforms. In the initial phase, however, we recommend dedicating a lot of time to customization otherwise the result could be too generic.
  • Foundation: Similar to Bootstrap but with a more modular approach.
  • Vue.js, React, Angular: This trio is ideal for creating SPAs (Single Page Applications). What are? These are applications or websites that interact with the user by dynamically loading new content on the same page, rather than loading entire pages from a server.

Where to find optimization and testing software

These tools are used to test, optimize and improve the performance and compatibility of websites across various devices and browsers.

  • Google Insights PageSpeed: Provides tips on how to improve your site speed.
  • GTmetrix: In addition to speed, analyze other metrics such as page size.
  • BrowserStack: Test your site on different platforms without the need to physically have them.

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Hosting and Domains

Through these tools you can find the space that hosts the website and the platforms to register the domain. They are the base.

  • Bluehost, SiteGround, Digital ocean: The first two are great for shared hosting and WordPress. The latter provides droplets (VPS) for greater control and flexibility.
  • Namecheap e GoDaddy: both are used to find, purchase and register a domain. Namecheap tends to have lower prices and greater transparency, while GoDaddy offers a variety of additional services, such as hosting.

Where to find SEO software and platforms

These tools help to work on the beloved SEO. Therefore they are used to optimize websites for search engines, monitor traffic and analyze the competition. They are the tools of visibility.

  • Google Analytics: A fundamental tool for monitoring and analyzing website traffic. It helps you understand where your visitors are coming from, what pages they visit, and much more.
  • SEMRushAhrefs: here you will find keyword analysis, site audits, backlink analysis and many other tools for professional SEO.
  • Yoast SEO: Very popular WordPress plugin. It helps optimize posts and pages for search engines, suggesting improvements in real time.

Management and collaboration tools

Platforms that facilitate small and large team coordination, timelines, information sharing and cross-team project management. They help organize tasks, track progress and communicate effectively while saving time.

  • Trello e Asana: They rely on the cloud for project and task management. They work best when integrated with other platforms such as Slack o Google Calendar.
  • Slack: is based on real-time collaboration through channels and direct chats.
  • GitHub: Excellent as a collaboration platform for developers.

Now that you have obtained a quick but comprehensive overview of software and platforms that you can easily download, all you have to do is start immediately taking care of your project or part of it. If you ever need advice or need to delegate some of the work, contact us.

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we at Kilobit we are a network of professionals with experience in programming, in digital marketing, in the creation of multimedia products and in the drafting of content in key SEO.

We provide our decades of experience in various sectors for a personalized service a Inline. We have the tools to make your business land and take off on the website.

Tel. 0110268815
Via Luigi Cibrario, 40 10144 TURIN

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