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Unsustainability of the Web: It's Real but It Can Be Avoided

Digital sustainability is a factor that deserves more and more attention, because energy consumption is growing in step with a cultural impact, the consequences of which risk getting out of our control. What can be done and is being done to resolve the situation?
December 26 2024

La digital sustainability as we have seen It is not limited exclusively to the environmental impact of the web, but it also affects social and psychological aspects, addressing issues such as the mental healthhave mass culture e inclusiveness.

Today we return to the most critical data, but without the intent to denounce, complain or scare, but using the most important tool that can protect and emancipate us: knowledge. We want to focus on solutions that are being tested, understanding that in the history of humanity there has never been anything like the web. So it is normal that, even if it is massively spread, the web always needs to be rediscovered and re-adapted.

So today we show you that the unsustainability of the web is a real problem, but it can still be avoided.

Overall picture of web sustainability

Large data centers consume about 3% of the world's energy and produce 2% of global CO₂ emissions (source IEA). Figures destined to rise dramatically in the coming years, according to several other sources and from several points of view.

A 2023 study published by arXiv in fact it provides that Global data centers could consume 20% of the world's electricity and contribute up to 5.5% of carbon emissions by next year. Meanwhile, the digitalisation gap still leaves a good third of the world without digital infrastructure, penalizing entire economies and cultures (source World Bank).

And this is where the situation gets complicated, precisely when looking for its solutions.

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Yes, because the answers are found in construction and innovation, which however is mainly promoted by multinationals, which are increasingly feeling the effects of public opinion in search of answers regarding the transparency of policies and necessary operations. All this, while they flourish psychological problems and psychiatric associated with a lack of education on the web, with a significant cultural impact. Impact that sometimes generates exclusion at multiple levels.

What can we do to paint this picture differently?

Innovation Answers: Decentralization and AI

Il Web3.0have blockchain e artificial intelligence have the potential to propose serious solutions.

But, as often happens, it could be a short blanket.

Il Web3.0 offers decentralization to improve user autonomy and promote economic and social sustainability through a more democratic web and more equitable business models. However, it risks multiplying the necessary servers, increasing energy costs. In fact, the blockchain, the technology on which decentralization is based, is already known for its high energy consumption: for example The Bitcoin network alone consumes about 86 TWh per year, equivalent to the energy needs of an entire nation like Belgium. (Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index).

For this reason, work is mainly being done on the consensus mechanism called PoS.

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And also the AI has a double face: on the one hand it also consumes considerable energy for training models, on the other it can optimize industrial processes and reduce waste. For example, Google used AI to improve the efficiency of its data centers by reducing energy consumption by 30%.

This is still not enough, especially because there is still a digital divide that needs to be filled. But Big Tech cannot do everything alone and neither can people with their habits. Energy consumption is growing and continues to grow: the way forward is in the search for cleaner alternatives. At least on the part of large multinationals we see investments in advanced nuclear power, on solar, wind, innovative cooling systems and green hydrogen. With their influence, they could potentially direct nations' investments in these technologies or finance their own projects.

Social Sustainability Solutions: Country Sovereignty, Digital Inclusion and Conscious Culture

Digital sustainability is not only about the great energy criticality, but it is deeply intertwined with social and cultural aspects. They too deserve attention and research for solutions.

La digital sovereignty is an answer, because it bridges the digital divide between nations by allowing countries and communities to control their own data and infrastructure. Initiatives like thee-Residency of Estonia are trying to prove it, but it requires political, technological and economic commitment. Expensive sovereignty tied to thedigital inclusion of the various social groups of each population, which fuel inequalities in terms of access to education, work and essential services.

The answers here lie partly in the work of technicians.

Un inclusive design of tools and platforms helps to smooth out differences. Inclusion that contributes to thecultural impact of the web, which influences behaviors and lifestyles. Intervention which must be associated with digital education, without which we will continue to run towards the already known cases of social isolation, polarization and psychological dependencies.

All this can be done if everyone does their part: individuals with their choices, multinationals with their proposals and funding, and nations by incentivizing, monitoring and regulating.

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